Saté ajam

Posted in : Indonesian on by : Richard Lamse


350 gr boneless chicken thighs
1 garlic clove
2 tsp coriander
1 tsp cumin
2 pinches nutmeg
1 pinch pepper
1 pinch salt
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 dl ketjap manis*
1 chili pepper
bamboo skewers

Cut the chicken in 1 inch cubes. Use a mortal and pestle to rub the garlic and chili pepper to a paste. Mix the paste with the other ingredients in a bowl and add the chicken. Let this marinate for at least 6 hours (overnight in the fridge is better).

Soak the skewers in cold water (at least 10 minutes). Put about 3 to 4 chicken pieces on a skewer. Grill the saté on the barbecue.

* if you cannot get ketjap manis you can use light soy sauce with honey.

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